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"Lex and his musicians succeeded in immersing us in another world for the duration of the concert - a world full of love, full of peace, full of heart touch, connection and heart opening.... From the first note pure goosebumps.... an indescribable gift! "




with Nils Tannert & Lex van Someren


Be part of it! Join us on our mission to open up loving heart and soul spaces in which a new form of community can be experienced. A community that invites us to actively strengthen ourselves and each other in our aliveness of self-love, self-empowerment and self-sovereignty.

Dance with us in the tradition of ancient cultures the healing trance dance. Experience yourself in higher dimensions. Come into communion with the source within you and the Source of all Being, the power of the earth and the cosmos, which you can experience through Nil's mighty O-Daiko drum and other percussion instruments.

Underlining this deep experience is Lex van Someren's intuitive, spontaneous chants and his mystical voice and music. The interaction of Nils and Lex harmonizes you healingly in your soul. All this happens outside the mind: sounds, melodies, gestures, powerful inner impulses, all this comes to us in moments of improvisation and we pass this on to you. You can let it flow into your dance movements and let yourself dance.


​I would be very happy if you come to one or more of our events, even if you don't want to dance or sing. You can then simply listen to the healing music, singing and rhythms and feel them in your heart and body to dive into the inner soul space for yourself and in communion with each other. In my opinion, there is nothing more important in the current times than to keep our vibration high and uplifted and thus connect accordingly with other people. This is how true peace is created within, as well as without.


Dear souls, let us realise a creative being together, let us create a space in which we trustingly enter into new experiences of loving encounter with higher energy awareness and self-determination. We create new forms and dimensions of community, which we humans so urgently need. This is how we create the NEW EARTH we all dream of and which we already know in our hearts and souls.



Trance-Dance-Events: 13:00 - 17:00 h

(Stuttgart & Dresden 18 - 22 h)

Mantra-Sing-Concerts: 19:00 - 22:00 h

Financial compensation:

Trance-Dance-Event 79,- Euro / 95,- CHF

Mantra-Sing-Concert 35,- Euro / 45,- CHF


30% discount for those who have little money (instalments are also possible). If you really have no money, you can come without paying, or you give less. But it only works with registration!

If you can afford it, we are happy if you pay more. In this way, a harmonious balance can be achieved. Thank you!

- Registration necessary -



13 - 17 h  (Stuttgart & Dresden 18 - 22 h)

19 - 22 h

DATES 2023



Haus an der Kreuzkirche

An der Kreuzkirche 6, 01067 Dresden




Aula Paraplegiker-Zentrum

Guido A. Zäch Str. 1, 6207 Nottwil

Trance-Tanz-Event & Mantra-Sing-Darshan



Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Nußdorf

Zum Laugele 4, 88662 Überlingen

Trance-Tanz-Event & Mantra-Sing-Darshan



Die Bachschmiede

Jakob-Lechner-Weg 2 - 4, 5071 Wals-Siezenheim

Trance-Tanz-Event & Mantra-Sing-Darshan



“In this community I experience a great, healing WE that I never experienced before. And a oneness in deep peace that the world is crying out for. I have been waiting for this all my life!”


"This is music from a divine level. It has done so much good to me! I have arrived deep within myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

"Feeling the connection in my heart with so many kindred spirits, and also experiencing it physically and in sound, has awakened a new aliveness in me."


“I experience Lex and Nils to be completely truthful and authentic in their work. They invite you to surrender completely to inner healing and abundance.”


“Now I know what inner peace really feels like. Thank you!”


“On this day I have found a deep trust in life within me.”



The "Dream Journey" creates new impulses for the New Age; sets new standards in and with music and the performing arts.


It sets an example at a time when the world, life and consciousness are rapidly transforming and evolving. "Dream Journey" is an event that does not exist anywhere else in the world. The speciality lies in the fact that the complete ensemble of 45 persons has created with much love and devotion a worldwide new visionary stage event as a total work of art, which touches all senses and in which the inner connection with life and the soul dimension is celebrated. It creates a world of experience for the soul, for the inspiration and inner transformation of people, for all those who are ready to open themselves to it. The "dream journey" has the power to enchant people, to connect them with their innermost being, even if they have never before consciously engaged with such an open form of spirituality.

  • Activate your self-healing powers

  • Experience emotional relaxation

  • Free your mind

  • Open yourself to intuition and vision

  • Be in the here and now

  • Enjoy the experience of being danced

  • Enjoy ecstasy

  • Come into connection with the Source of all Being



Let your heart sing and sound.

If you want to experience the inner joy and the connecting power of the mantra concerts with Lex,  you are invited and welcome from the heart!

His extraordinary mantra music lives from the musical richness of the arrangements, both vocal (single voices and choirs) and instrumental - music and chants that go under the skin!

By singing the powerful mantras together and the silence afterwards, a high-vibrating space of consciousness for healing, inner peace, a living form of meditation is created.

Those who do not wish to chant can simply listen and immerse themselves in the graceful vibration.

“As soon as I think of these wonderful hours together in the mantra singing concert, my heart overflows with gratitude, love and joy and every time I get pure goosebumps. Because it was so magical and deeply touching. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to Lex for his deep devotion while singing and for his so palpable love for all of us, for the great field of unconditional love. We all became one great WE during the concert and I felt: IN THIS MOMENT THE HEAVEN HAS TOUCHED THE EARTH!”


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