Seminar participants report:
I would like to thank Lex very much for his presence in this very intensive and profound seminar. It is indescribable what energy was at work here and continues to flow. I have an inner peace that I have been longing for for so long. Wonderful!!!!
The learning experiences I was allowed to make with music, concerts and seminars accompany me every day and give me the strength to live everyday life with joy and cheerfulness. Many thanks to Lex. Through and with him I have made a wonderful leap forward in my development.
With his seminars, Lex creates a framework for me in which I can open up to be really honest with myself and get to the very deep buried feelings, just as he sings about in his songs. I now feel that I can use my voice in a more versatile way and that I can formulate and assert my interests and needs more and more clearly with a firm voice. I also feel more and more the power within me to be there for others without weakening myself. I thank Lex from the bottom of my heart for his work and actions.
Seminar "Sound of the Soul
In the seminar I was able to sing freely in a way that I had not known before. A wonderful experience. Thank you!
I would like to say a big thank you for the two wonderful seminar days in Dresden. For the first time I was at the seminar "Essence of the Soul". I have been listening to Lex's music for two years. It has changed something in my life. His depth in the world of feelings is impressive and how he manages to implement this and pass it on to people on their path of self-knowledge. He is a person where you can let yourself fall, no matter how deep it goes, you can let yourself fall, he catches you, because he was already deeper. A thank you also to our group for their openness, compassion and willingness to heal.
The Essence of Soul seminar brought me the greatest liberation, healing and transformation in my life so far. My diary fills pages with what has developed since then. And I realise that there is still more slumbering that wants to be looked at and solved. A thousand thanks to Lex!
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for the mindful accompaniment/support of my further developmental step. The seminar was brilliant. Great music and Lex' wonderful voice and expression. Now I am finally aware that I am a gift to the world. Now I am connected within myself. My subconscious is now fully in touch, in communication with my conscious. This is brilliant, like a new birth in me, in my body.
I will keep the seminar "Essence of the Soul" in my memories and feelings for a long time, it has enriched me very much and touched my heart. Until now I have been raving about Lex's CDs which I listen to almost every day and most of which I also have, and after this weekend I am completely enthusiastic about his personality, charisma and his many extraordinary abilities as a therapist and course leader.
For me Lex is one of the greatest spiritual healing musicians as is Tom Kenyon and some others I also enjoy listening to.
I would like to commend his work herewith and will recommend it to many.
Dear Lex, it was a sacred event for me that freed me from the deepest depths in the "Essence of the Soul" seminar in Munich to go into the world anew. After a long phase of needing protection, I was finally able to free myself in dance with your presence. I feel a new bond from the source to my body in joy, celebration and lightness. I feel a deep warmth in my heart that gives me a new space that I could not feel before and a deep intimacy, like a oneness before all relating with each other, to each other, A deeply feeling, breathing, responding space. Thank you and thank life!
I am filled with deep gratitude for everything I was able to experience and was given during these days. It was a feeling of security and of having arrived at home during the whole time.
The seminar I was able to attend with Lex for the first time this year brought me more in depth.
Every word, every gesture was received. There were words that always touched my heart in a way. It has lovingly changed me. I already have my eye on the next seminar.
The seminar was overwhelming! I have really done many seminars, workshops and self-awareness work... but Lex's is one of the best ever!!!! Heartfelt thanks.
I have found love with myself. Thank you!
Lex managed to create a protected space in the seminar that enabled the participants to open up. This made me feel very comfortable in the group. It is unbelievable how feelings had their place in this special space and were allowed to come to the surface. I also found it impressive how Lex was able to adjust to each individual person in such a short time and was able to focus clearly on each personal story. Despite all the clarity and strength, he gave everyone understanding and empathy and allowed them their own personality and freedom. I am very happy that I managed to take part in the seminar. I feel much freer, more liberated and am excited to see what this experience will do to me.
For all the salvation and love, the bliss and joy that I may experience through you and with you, my deepest thanks. I now live such a full and liberated life.
The seminar was simply mega (!), I have become really light and now go through life very mindfully.
I would love to do a seminar with Lex again, he is sooo inspiring and then always the right music to go with it... just to recommend, keep it up, it is wonderful and a huge gift.
The experience was something very special, a dream..., wonderful. It still rings and I am filled with a deep gratitude. Lex has inspired us.
For me it was one of the most intense healings I have ever experienced.
I had never been to a seminar where I felt the change, the process, in such a lasting way, and it continues ... Many thanks to Lex, through him I was able to experience what I didn't think was possible so quickly. Thank you!!!
I am so happy that I got to know your work and that I can use such an opportunity to deepen my way inwards in this way. It is with great pleasure that I register for the next seminar.
The seminar in October in Dresden was infinitely helpful for me and my husband. I live relieved and freer and enjoy being in this moment; I feel the divine power within me. Through Lex's loving and direct manner and his enormous empathy, he leads people at exactly the right moment to open up, to recognise their hidden blockages and to release themselves from them. The power of his voice, his music is so wonderful and supportive in all elements of the seminar. We respect and appreciate Lex very much and are extremely grateful to have met him.
For Lex's valuable work, the highest respect and deepest gratitude! Lex was always present and with unique clarity led the group exactly to the essence of the soul. He is a true master, a medium and a great healer! His voice is beautiful and touches the deepest inside. We were allowed to learn, recognise and experience a lot; this enriches our lives enormously, makes them more valuable, freer and lighter. With all my heart.
I would like to thank you again for the unforgettable weekend. What Lex conveyed to us, what he made us feel, what he opened and touched our souls, cannot be described, it is still unbelievable for me. Thank you! He saw through me, through all of us, questioned us, saw behind our facade and recognised our pain. The experience of sitting opposite each other as strangers at first and parting as friends at the end of the seminar is an enriching experience in all our lives! P. H.
For me, since attending the seminar and the healing concerts, there have been so many profound and healing changes in my life for which I am infinitely grateful. Indeed, nothing is the same any more. I thank Lex from the bottom of my heart for contributing in so many ways to finding and walking this new path!
What kind of seminar was that in Dresden....?... unbelievable! I went very deep into my soul, sad and wonderful feelings alternated and tears cried from the depths of my soul were something completely different, which I have never experienced in this way before. My soul work has shown me what humility is, and for that I am infinitely grateful to Lex.
He has a great knowledge of human nature, a fine gift of observation and a special ability to work with people. The respect for Mother Earth is deeply rooted in my memory thanks to his guidance. Added to this is his unique music, which is the dot on the "i". I returned to my everyday life happy and blessed, knowing that I had done something unique for myself. In a wonderful way, movement has come into my life and the people around me notice my change. I can only wish that many more people will have the pleasure of meeting Lex. My respect for his achievement.....
No book can convey what we go through in his seminars.
Since I still feel indescribably full of energy and totally happy since the sensitive and intensive accompaniment at the seminar, I would like to thank Lex again from the bottom of my heart. It was a wonderful experience with him and the group, which continues to ring vividly in my soul through listening to his music - literally day and night.
Thank you Lex from the bottom of my heart for the vision you live! It is simply unbelievably beautiful to see and feel when someone lives this and works with it and earns his existence with what I myself dream of. That is a gift from heaven and a piece of home! As I said, I could not stop dancing and singing and "clowning". I have always thought: My God, how do I bring all this together? And you found a form for it, wow! Thank you also from the bottom of my soul for the mindful guidance and assistance in transforming deepest soul pain. I was able to let go and surrender full of trust!!!
The seminar work was wonderful!!! We have experienced so much liberating, opening, heartfelt and happy things in these two days and feel empowered to be able to take a step more towards each other again. This is a very great gift for us.
With the wonderful impulses that I experienced in the seminar from Lex and the participants, I went home strengthened, down to earth and with a light heart. Singing and rituals have a lasting effect.
The seminar paper convinced me 100%. The respect for people and their problems, which Lex can reflect as a mirror image, has given me a lot. Many thanks to Lex.
Thank you very much for letting me participate in this seminar. It was simply wonderful!!! I thank Lex from the bottom of my heart for helping me to heal my soul.
I would like to thank you for the profound days in Dresden. Lex creates a space beyond mind and ego and I felt that he is directly in touch with my soul through his music, bodywork and the deep truths he expresses in words. I have felt safe, supported and loved on a level that has led me into opening and releasing access to my soul and inner child. I now perceive myself differently and look forward to my true self and soul expression, however it shows up.
My soul was tired when I came to the seminar. Now it is full of joy again. Thank you very much for this wonderful accompaniment.
I feel the grounding and the heavenliness to a degree that I haven't felt in a long time! Thank you very much! Thank you that Lex uses his many-sided musical talent for the birth assistance into the soul-men-centredness on earth - accompanying his seminar participants warm-heartedly empathetic and at the same time essential - crystal-clear!
Dear Lex, it was an extraordinary and very profound experience in your seminar... Thank you very much for that!!!! You are doing a great thing and helping so many people. I personally felt very deeply the love you gave to all of us... and of course your music was really, really great!!!
So much happened in me during the weekend seminar - I can only thank everyone who made it possible - Lex and the Someren team, the seminar participants and also the universe and my heart, which is now a bit more open. It feels so incredibly good - loving, peaceful, free, alive. I can't even put it into words. Thank you.
The phrase "dancing on the volcano" has a whole new meaning for me since the weekend. I was able to experience and feel this power. This seminar cannot be described with words, it touched me deeply, I felt this seminar "in my heart", for this again many thanks.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for these emotionally enriching moments in which I came closer to my soul than ever before. Through the guidance and accompaniment and especially through the musical journey to the soul of all of us, everyone's heart was touched and each of us probably felt something unique and took it with us for our future lives. My highlight with and through this music at the weekend: The experience, the visions and euphoric sensations that I was allowed to feel during the birth from Mother Earth make all my previous beautiful experiences pale. I would never have guessed that it was possible to feel, sense, see, become, be with such intensity. 13 February 2011 became my new birthday. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Today I noticed a feeling in myself that I had never known before. It was the joy of life, the joy of the day, no matter what it brings. I have never experienced this before and I am very grateful for it.
Attending the seminar has quenched the greatest thirst of my soul.
Thanks for everything. It was wonderful, fantastic, indescribable and unimaginably beautiful. We will be back with great pleasure!
The effect of the seminar cannot be described ... I feel so richly blessed and nourished and am now looking at what wants to happen. I am very happy that you exist and that you accompany people so lovingly on their inner path with your work!
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank Lex for what I was able to experience at his seminar. He managed to make a wonderful rose blossom out of a wilted flower, which thanks to its found soul tone very quickly finds the place of peace and love within itself. I was also able to experience what it is like to be truly connected with Mother Earth. And I can also deepen this experience daily through his music at home. And when I sing along with his mantras, a deep peace spreads through me very quickly. No one has ever managed to find something that does me so much good and helps me.
Exactly one month after the seminar, my father died completely unexpectedly of heart failure on 31 March. At his deathbed I felt an enormous gratitude and a very deep love, which I had never felt before. I didn't have the impression that there was anything left between us. It was just good the way it was. It hurt a lot (and still does), but it was good.
At that moment I realised how much the two seminars had helped me to get this far. I thank Lex very much for your healing work, it is very valuable!
A THANK YOU from the bottom of my soul for the seminar. It is still working and gave me a profound change.
During the seminar I was able to gain many new experiences and insights. Lex, I thank you from the depths of my soul for the fact that you have also given me insights into my soul level through your kind of work.
I am glad that I got involved in working more intensively with Lex during this time. It was really an intensive time in which I was able to experience a lot of liberation. I would like to thank Lex for his guidance - his openness, trust and support.
You have probably heard it so often, but it is always a wonderful experience that this "work" we did in the seminar is successful so quickly. I worked a lot with my eldest son during our seminar and - there was already total radio silence between us, he contacted me "three" days later, called me in Holland and we are beginning to build up a cordial relationship with each other again, carefully. A MIRACLE, I thought I would not see him again, he has gone out of my life, forever. THANK YOU!
I would like to thank you for the devoted and loving support in the seminars, through which I felt carried and could let myself fall into the depths of my soul full of trust and thus find the source of love within me. That I can now express a part of my potential from this source through your recognition and with your encouragement touches me deeply.
Lex has the special ability to express the finest loving vibrations and at the same time also the deepest, archaic elemental forces. Anyone who spans consciousness and insight in such a wide arc - who no longer excludes anything - must be a very old soul. What I experienced above all in the seminar is to appreciate the special energy of the moment and to live and act intuitively from it.
About 10 years ago I had the privilege of participating in one of your seminars. The seminar was of such great importance to me, was the entry point, the key to my creative and creative area of life, that I would like to thank you again from the bottom of my heart. You did not criticise at all, but helped what wanted to live to come to life through your loving and hands-on way, and through your wonderful singing and dancing you brought out this side of us and made it shine through your glow. Unforgettable and deeply meaningful to this day. Heartfelt greetings in deep gratitude
Many years ago I heard two words whose profound truth I will never forget: "Everything flows". Last week, for the second time this year, I attended a shamanic spiritual work that touches me so deeply and is closer than close to my being. It is as if everything that is my expression and gift to the world already has a stable foundation, the ground is tilled. "TAO - Dance and Sound of the Soul" is what the gifted artist and shamanic healer Lex van Someren calls this work.
This blessed work has opened new doors for me and given me joy and courage for my task.
Your songs, your voice are healing, I have experienced it myself and now experience it in others. I thank you for the dance and sound of the soul. When I look into people's eyes after they have come into their power or their hearts open for the first time after many years, when they can finally feel pain and love, then I know how valuable and important the work is and I can also feel it.
My heart is so full of gratitude that finally, after so many years on earth, I have arrived fully on this earth. I am full of gratitude that my Father and Mother have come together in me to celebrate reconciliation.
Once again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful seminar, especially for your sensitivity, which always impresses me very much. In the meantime I have become aware of what actually draws me to the seminar again and again: It offers me a wonderful approach to appreciating and learning to love my own femininity, which I have been struggling to recognise all my life. In the seminar I also became more aware than ever before of the great importance of "opening up". It is indeed the key to change, to healing.
THANK YOU for allowing me to be at the "Dance of the Soul" seminar in this beautiful church. Healing was allowed to happen to me, which was made possible through sound, movement and this place of power. The divine resonated within me and I was deeply touched. Yes, I wish that many churches were a place where there is room for the whole of humanity to take our place on earth in love. A place where, as in the hospital church, I can feel my love, joy and strength.
Only now is it gradually coming to light what was achieved in the seminar. My whole body, every cell seems to have absorbed the music, the vibrations. I feel wonderful and send this out. I conclude this from the many positive messages from my circle of acquaintances and friends. It is a good feeling to feel comfortable in one's own skin, to be in the universe. Once again, I would like to thank you very much. It was a wonderful week. I very much hope that many more people will come to the seminars and have these wonderful experiences. I look forward to seeing you again.
Dear Lex, & Team
You bring to blossom the souls that have been so badly affected by frost and hail. You help them to heal and bring their strength, their beauty and perfection back to consciousness. You have created a space of security and harmony for us with your being, with dance and music. We love you for this and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The seminar participants Dance & Sound of the Soul
I notice with every day, every week and every month how my life is changing in a miraculous way (yes, just as Lex predicted). I am starting to live with every fibre of my body - even if it was and is not easy sometimes, but I don't want to miss a single day of the experience. I want to thank you for your open hearts, for the support and patience you have shown me. I know now more than ever how important and valuable your work is. My wise wife now shows me who and what I am - why I am here, what my tasks are - I feel completely connected to her.
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for the wonderful days: dance, laughter, tears, pain, joy, love, song - how close all this coexists, may live and can be. I really had no idea why I booked these seminars. My friends asked me and I had no answer. Today I know that I was guided and could take it and make it happen. I trust my intuition.
I have been allowed to experience a new birth: one that says yaaahhh to life, that says yaaahhh to the earth, to people, to my frame, to my size, to my strength. After 3 days of dancing, I thought that the singing was the "icing on the cake" - NO - it is the kilo of whipped cream on the Sachertorte!!!! I am overwhelmed by what has happened to me - the beauty and primal power is almost unbearable for me. But I feel that it is good and does good. And that this is exactly what I want to live. For years I have wanted to heal the children in my practice and I also want to paint. I feel that this symbiosis will eventually be found: My dream and my vision: to heal by painting and to heal by painting! I have come a little closer to this vision - through you. I have gained so much confidence.
I am infinitely grateful that you exist. I feel God through you. What you do is healing, is joyful. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your support, thank you for your patience.
I feel infinite gratitude for you and your healing work. You are truly brilliant midwives! So much has happened to me this week. I know energy and body work, but the way of working with music, dance and voice went very deep for me - old closed doors were opened. I was sometimes surprised by myself.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you for the wonderful days of music, inspiration, loving support and strength. I am very happy that you exist and full of gratitude in my heart I carry the new treasures that I was allowed to receive here into the world. ... And I will pass it on to many others.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work, which has again deeply touched me. This time I leave the seminar not only highly inspired but also deeply grounded, which is certainly good for everyday life. The feeling of being in my belly, being in my centre, really deep without wanting and doing, just being, was a great experience. I will keep it in my soul and pass it on to others.