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ONE day Events

- with LEX VAN SOMEREN  (autumn 2023) -

A journey into the centre of the soul

A day for your deep soul experience!

On this day we create the vibration of the new earth together. With each other meditate, sing, dance and celebrate simple healing rituals to raise consciousness within ourselves and here on this earth! We unite and bring about change in empowering community!

My heart's desire with this event is to facilitate appreciative and authentic encounters with yourself and others. In a completely relaxed and inspiring atmosphere you have the opportunity to go deep inside and consciously connect with your soul and the Absolute, the source of all being. You are invited to show yourself genuinely, to stretch your boundaries and to joyfully and freely enliven the unique facets of your soul. This day is all about elevating and experiencing yourself into the 5th dimension and beyond.




Celebrating self-sovereignty and self-love with the music of
and with Lex van Someren "Live!"


- Chanting Mantras

Mantras are sacred chants that have a very strong high vibrational energetic and harmonising effect on us. You are invited to sing along or just listen and feel.

- Movement and dance of your soul

- Sound of your soul

- simple living healing rituals

- alternating with moments of silence
  and meditation

2024 finden keine weiteren 1-Tages-Events statt.​

Die Termine für 2025

stehen noch nicht fest.

Dates 2023

​Event times: 10 - 19 h (Break 13:30 - 15 h)


Financial compensation: 155,- €

30% discount for those who have little money (instalments are also possible). If you really have no

money, then you can come without paying, or you give less. But it only works with registration!

If you can afford it, we are happy if you pay more.

In this way, a harmonious balance can be achieved. Thank you!

Info/registration: +49 (0)7223-806650 - -

- Registration necessary -


"The powerful sounds of the O-Daiko drum make the whole body vibrate.

It has given me back my strength and a vitality I thought I had lost. I can ground myself more deeply, connecting with the roots on the earth."

Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-23 um 00.19.52.jpg

Lex van Someren

An artist who touches deeply

with his voice and his music

Lex van Someren is an internationally known visionary stage artist with a strong presence. He is one of the pioneers of modern spiritual music worldwide. His work is an expression of his vision and calling to open soul spaces with his unique stage art, music, concerts and seminars, inviting people of all ages and walks of life to a holistic inner experience. Born in the Netherlands, he has lived in Baden-Baden since 1997 and enchants audiences in many countries around the world. On about 40 CDs and several DVDs, which he has produced together with Frank Steiner and published in his own publishing house, he presents the enormous range of his artistic work.

Mit großer Klarheit und Achtsamkeit führt er die Menschen an die Essenz ihrer Seele heran.

Auf seinem Lebensweg entdeckte Lex das Zusammenwirken von innerer Bewusstseinsarbeit und darstellendem, künstlerischen Ausdruck in der Musik. Er erkennt darin nicht nur eine heilende und transformierende Kraft, sondern auch einen Weg tiefer mystischer Erfahrung und kraftvoller Lebendigkeit, welche in seiner Kunst und in seinen Events durch ihn fließen. Daraus hat sich eine neue Dimension der Bewusstseinserweiterung und des Erwachens in Musik, Gesang, Tanz, Humor und Bühnenkunst entwickelt, durch die Menschen zur Quelle ihres eigenen Wesens, ihrer Seele geführt werden.

- mit LEX VAN SOMEREN 2024 -
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