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experiences of the participants of Livestream Mantra-Singing-Darshans

Deep experiences of the participants of Livestream Mantra-Singing-Darshans since the C-Time.


I have to thank you for the great gift that I receive every time I listen to your music. Daily, much of it has already become an earworm, it lifts me into the heaven of emotions and guides me through the day, even during my work as a nurse on shift.

I feel blessed and connected to the human family, but above all to my spiritual origin. Everything is clear and easy: serving, forgiving, loving and above all the joy of living.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I wanted to thank Lex... Thank him for what he does and for healing... He is a gift. A gift to us. A gift that we are usually not aware of. Because his words and works heal. They heal our souls... He lets us know that we are one in being. He who carries the crystal voice within him and lives. Yes, he is a light. Mostly it is only moments in which we recognise each other. Yes, and so I was only able to look into his soul for a moment, because I saw unconditional love. And that he was on a journey... On a journey to enlighten those who understand their way of loving each other. Because everyone who lets their words resound in their heart and feels them begins a journey to themselves. Sometimes just a sound, a frequency, a word, a language, sometimes you want everything at once, but you begin to realise that everything comes in its own silence and in its own time of realisation. ... There is strength in silence, those who rest a lot achieve a lot. Only in quiet moments do you find your own sound and in order to maintain this sound, you need to remember the divine. Because everyone is special, everyone has their own sound

Mr Lex Someren gave me this moment of awakening... Journey to the Heart. That touched me, my soul ... A journey into the light. A journey that often accompanies me on my meditation... White Buffalo Women, is also love and something I have no words for... Words are words with value, but a feeling, of freedom, of love, but also of trust, hope and contentment... Yes, this piece is all of that. These words in the sound of his voice are like a gate that opens and we remember. I also panicked when I went for a walk in the forest, many people told me there was nothing in the forest, but I only felt comfortable when I sang his mantras out loud to myself. And a warmth and trust flowed through me... I lost my panic and went for a two-hour walk. Many years. Now I know it is divine guidance. What and who I encounter. In what way and how. Everything has its Divine plan.

I THANK him from the bottom of my heart that he gives us his gift and wish him much strength and quiet moments of his realisation, his work.



On Sunday I finally had the opportunity to attend your mantra chanting for the first time and it was simply overwhelming. Although I often chant to your mantra CDs, this livestream was a completely different, much more intense experience. I was so with myself, so deep in my heart...I was in Bali. The first 10 minutes were all tears and I had the feeling that weeks of tension were releasing and my deep longing for and firm belief in world peace was spreading within me. I am so grateful that I was able to get to know your music and you personally and I am really looking forward to seeing you again in Baden-Baden in September. Until then, I will make every effort to attend all your livestreams, because I have felt that they can give me a lot of strength for the current time and situation.

And your great, touching livestreams bring so much joy and good feelings of connection. THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!

You touch me and so many other souls with your radiance and your music!


Since I got to know you 2 years ago, I've been listening to one of your CDs every night to fall asleep! Whenever possible I attend your live concerts! Thank you so much for making it possible for us to listen to you and your music twice a week! It's like arriving, recharging batteries, gaining energy, everything feels good.

Since you have been offering the livestream mantra chanting sessions, I have been attending with devotion and joy whenever I have the time. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the opportunity for encounters possible in this way. I feel an almost familial connection with the other singers.

A heart-opening concert for all living beings, the song selection is so movingly beautiful! You feel like you've been reborn, ready for another world! All evenings were beautiful, this concert is even more beautiful than beautiful. The energy we've been given will remain in our hearts as a foundation to pass on to everyone.

Your loving presentation and unbelievable commitment makes all souls vibrate - I was also allowed to be a choir member on all evenings, which was always my wish, as I love singing so much. Once again, my heartfelt thanks for this!


Dear Lex, you make such wonderful and heart-warming music and your mantras fill my soul with peace and new strength even in these times. My wife and I have already been to your events three times and have really recharged our batteries there.

Right now, this power of your love is so helpful and strengthening for everyone. Your presence and the presence of the artists, who also have a spiritual influence on the situation, is given by God so that we do not sink into the deepest darkness.


Dear Lex, I have just heard your music in heart is deeply touched to feel your love for the whole and for Mother Earth. Your voice is the expression of your soul... and it has enchanted everything around you... nourished... opened and healing has happened. I can't put into words what these sounds, these soul harmonies do to me. It gives me so much - warms my soul, my heart and my mind. This kind of singing and the accompanying instruments are unique, as if the divine cornucopia of love is being poured out on us/me. And at the same time, my fulfilled heart radiates and passes on this love to all people and animals and I imagine how everything and everyone is healed, redeemed and cured as a result, how we only have peace on earth everywhere.


Hello dear Lex, thank you very much for this livestream from you. Feedback to you: While you were singing, I felt the flow of energies, the power, the gentleness ... Through this I encountered tensions in my emotions, feelings in my body ... These tensions can now be transformed into love, into unconditional love. Thank you very much for your being and for your work.


As wonderful as ever, dear Lex van Someren. Many, many thanks for the gigantic music. Your voice touches me again and again. Thank you for being there for us all in these difficult times, for giving us the hope to never give up. Because no matter how low you fall, there is always someone there to catch and hold you, no matter how dark the tunnel is, a light always comes into your heart at the right time and shows us the way.


Dear Lex, your music triggers so much in me that it sometimes brings tears to my eyes. It's unimaginable to me that you can make such brilliant music! Thank you for existing. Donation is on its way.


I admire this person - God is very pleased with him, with his divine expression. It is so incredibly wonderful, also your flowing energy in your movements - then I am as one with you, dear Lex, of course also when we sing together. The idea that so many other heart-souled people are joining in at the same time fills my heart immeasurably.


I cannot express my deepest gratitude often enough and there are no words to truly and genuinely describe the feelings I have experienced. So much love and healing flow into my and our hearts thanks to Lex. Infinitely valuable and unique - THANK YOU! It will be a great gift to be able to enjoy Lex in person in Munich.


Dear Lex, I would like to thank you and your musicians from the bottom of my heart for your music. It carries me every day. It sounds in me when I go to bed and it sounds in me when I wake up. My heart opens and I could embrace the world, I feel safe and free. Sometimes the tears flow and I can't help it. Your music has touched me to the core for many, many years. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We have never met and yet I have a deep feeling of connection to you.


Wonderful, your music springs from the highest light, these sounds are pure and nourishing. Thank you is not enough. God bless you!


Thank you that my path has led me to you, dear Lex. You are my healing, my anchor and my ray of hope at this special time. Within a very short space of time, you managed to make me feel connected again in a divine way and to find myself in love. Unfortunately, this vibration is lost for brief moments in the everyday madness in which we are sometimes still caught up. Thank you for your precious being - thank you for existing and for letting us participate in your artistic work. You sing and are sooo sensitive - THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! The seminar in Munich has a lasting effect and is so present - THANK YOU again for that too. God bless you. Love is the way home!!!!!!


Beautiful, beautiful Lex, In a world with too much noise, your sacred songs, are the ONLY SOUND I HEAR. MUCH LOVE TO YOU, And all who are connecting to his blessed music.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful music. The healing that I and those around me have experienced through the sound of your music is of immeasurable value. The song "Buddha" in particular has a healing potential that is not of this world and yet leads the listener closer to himself and to reality through listening.


I am deeply grateful for your work, your commitment to passing on a lot of love and trust to people! Your hopeful writing in the newsletter and the wonderful music are a real balm for our frightened souls to somehow find support and hope in these particularly difficult times. That all the lies and untruths can finally come to the surface and be transformed into goodness and truth!


Dear Lex, I thank you so much... I feel so carried by your wonderful music and also feel my body, mind and soul completely cleansing at this time ... and for that I am so very grateful to you ...Thank you for all the healing you have ever achieved in my life for 15 years! You are a blessing dear Lex!


You know when there are no words to explain your feelings and gratitude? Today is 21-12 your online concert is long over, I AM STILL SINGING !!! You can only BE an ANGEL!!! Your DEDICATION in singing, your BEING, your EFFECT....HALLELUJA!!!!


Dear Lex, I don't think I can express in words my/our gratitude and appreciation for your uplifting music and your encouraging words! We listen to your concerts regularly and take a lot of strength and courage from them in these challenging times! I also often listen to your livestreams again later, especially when I don't feel so centred! Thank you for your BEING, your work and for being so committed to us! You will definitely be blessed for it!


Thank you for your concert just now! We will also be there tonight and are always looking forward to your meditations, which will also help us to receive the energy today! I always say to Heribert: Lex sings the energy down!!! We feel very connected to you and are very happy and grateful that you are in our lives. I had to write this to you now, because I feel that today is the right time!


Dear Lex, a rock in the surf! You are such a great source of strength for us all. I am deeply grateful to be able to celebrate the transition into the NEW TIME with you. Namasté


Dear Lex, dear team, you have once again succeeded in creating such a wonderfully grandiose CD. Your music always touches me deeply in my heart, brings deep peace and the feeling of being one in absolute devotion and gratitude. I wish you from the bottom of my heart and gratitude for your wonderful work: May in the New Year the human paths lead and find more and more to each other - in healing, light and love - and may the miracle-full that you/you express in your magical-mystical heart symphonies bring more and more manifestation in human hearts and on our earth world. With deep gratitude and a touching feeling of connectedness.


An enchantingly energetic concert in which lightness and love come to flow and dance. I'm just listening to the concert and I'm sooo happy that you came into my life completely unexpectedly. I dance, sing and rejoice in my dancing love. And I am sliding deeper and deeper into this wonderful energy. Thank you, dear Lex, for making our hearts feel love and mine dance.


Wow, every negative emotions disappears listening it, I am so glad that iI have found you in a playlists on youtube. The best thing is that you are living it and you and your music is unity, unbelievable. Thank you for the experience, I will buy a ticket to your concert in Berlin.


Dear Lex, I would just like to say thank you today. I am so glad that I became aware of you and your music through a link that a fan of yours posted in a forum. It was your message about the big demo in Berlin. Then your wonderful Lifestream concerts. We (my husband and I) always attend them with great enthusiasm. We have both been on the path to greater realisation and the search for answers together for some time and just as you and your work have come to us, it has been happening to us for years that answers to questions we ask ourselves come from "somewhere". In the beginning we found it "a bit strange", but now we know (especially through you) that it is quite normal and the true reality. Your music accompanies us every day. It has made us calm and balanced in these violent and unjust times, it gives us strength and guides us through our meditations. Thank you very much for this. Another beautiful effect of your mantras and songs, our two dogs also react very relaxed to your music when we put on the meditation CD. They are both very calm and lie down with us, they are not yet able to sit in the lotus position.


Dear Lex, it was wonderful to sing and dance with you again. You touched our hearts and gave us so much warmth, strength, love and security every time. And thank you so much for the beautiful lyrics you sang to us, which were so appropriate for this time. I wouldn't want to do without the beautiful concerts and the intense energy they generate.

These concerts were born out of necessity because everything suddenly fell apart. With the idea of staying in contact with all your friends and singing together in this way. But we probably wouldn't have thought what came out of it was possible. In your livestreams, dear Lex, there is such a great feeling of togetherness, everyone is united in light and love. Your concerts are so magical, so full of power, joy and energy. They make us sing, dance, dream and float. It creates a feeling of infinite happiness, deep security and pure love. For me, these concerts have already become the highlights of the week. Being together and singing together is just soooo good. I am so happy and grateful that I am able to experience these magical and light-filled concerts and am already looking forward to Tuesday. Dear Lex, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was magical. With love, deep connection and gratitude.


Thank you for this music! I need it! I need it! I will transfer money to you today, Lex, because I realise that I need your music. It's not just a pleasure, not just an indulgence. It's not just nice on occasion, no: it's food for my thirsty soul, trembling in fear, for my timid spirit! Today I took my cello and improvised to it. Oh God! Thank you! Thank you! Times are so dark. So, so dark, so turbulent, so full of threat. And here with you and all of you in the sounds, I walk through the fear. Step by step. It is not simply blown away, but I realise that I am still moving, not allowing myself to freeze. That the sounds move, that the eternal words move and sway. Thank you!!!!!


Dear Lex, thank you for your beautiful music, it has given me a lot of strength and love, I have been able to work through and let go of all my traumas and injuries. I am very grateful to you for this gift of unconditional love. You are a great gift and it is a grace to share it with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Dear Lex, I'm actually one of the more quiet fans of your livestreams. Sometimes, however, my inner self urges me to put my thoughts and feelings into words. I haven't missed any of your 80 YouTube concerts so far - each one has its own character and has been so infinitely valuable and enriching. The love and confidence you radiate are balm for the soul - blissful and healing - the feeling of coming home is getting stronger and stronger. Perhaps you could give a webinar sometime to share the visions and missions of the new era with us - that would be wonderful. My trust in you is immeasurable. We are the ones who matter now - love is the way. I bow from the bottom of my heart to your artistic ability and valuable way of being - THANK YOU, you wonderful soul - with love and connection - Simone.

P.S. My dear husband Peter, who has recently also been listening to your music with great enthusiasm, especially likes your true and positive thoughts on the general situation - I should now explicitly share that - hihi!!!!


Dear Lex, What you give us with your angelic music and for many months now with your mantra live stream evenings cannot be paid for with any money in the world. It is a precious gift for which I can hardly find words... often the tears simply flow from the deep touch. For so many, you are the epitome of "peace of mind, joy and love". I am so grateful that there are people like you who accompany and nourish people in this difficult time of change and the awakening process. You give courage and spread confidence. That's what we can do for each other together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Dear Lex, deeply touched by your divine existence and your work for us as a soul family, I say THANK YOU again and again from the bottom of my heart. I have never met a soul as full of light as you are - you are pure, honest, deepest love - and you radiate this in every fibre of your being and we can feel, absorb and receive it. I suddenly feel better when I can experience you at the mantra concerts.


Dear Lex, you speak to me from the heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the radiant light that shines from you, for the sound of your soul that you share with us. Yes, the New World has long invited us to take our steps; we are truly supported to become true and to live love.


Namasté dear Lex and team, It's a fantastic idea to delight us with this dreamlike music during this chaotic time when almost everything is being thrown against the wall. I particularly enjoy singing along to the mantras. I also light white candles and incense sticks. It is always an uplifting feeling for me to be able to sing along to these sacred prayers so fervently. I also read through the translated German texts every time (from your website "Mantra-Texte"). With love for you all and praying for God's protection for you!


These sounds, the words from you, Lex - touch my soul and my heart. You are a bridge builder, a peacemaker, a wonderful person. I feel completely in another world, in a peaceful, sunny, friendly, light-filled world for all people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - big bow, you are wonderful!


Your words are encouraging - and the music in the live streams has a very special magic. I always wonder how that works, because it's something else than CDs. Live, there's always an unearthly energy that really makes everything brighter and opens your heart. You can't explain it, but you can feel it so strongly! It probably comes from the fact that you, Lex, and many people are there live at the same time, all full of enthusiasm, joy and love. These are of course the highest energies, which amplify each other to infinity, so that you can feel them so clearly, regardless of the distance, almost physically!


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for these beautiful new mantras. Michael and I have also been listening to your latest mantra livestreams. Livestream 102 is on all the time when we are at home. This vibration really touches us both and I can hear, feel and sense your music and the positive vibration in my daily work. It does us both so much good in this madness. It's wonderful work. We are really looking forward to the new CD and my heart is touched from the very first second every time I watch your livestreams. I can't find enough words to express my deepest gratitude for these wonderful concerts and messages, I just want to emphasise everything that is written in the comments or on your website. Every word, every sound, every interpretation of your heavenly compositions has "carried" me through this difficult time.


I would never have dreamed that it would be possible to feel so much via livestreams, to go through so many processes and developments, but that is probably only possible with earth angels like you. Thank you also for every wonderful newsletter, which I always read several times and which helps me to better understand world events through your "look behind the scenes" and strengthens me. I have already been lucky enough to attend three of your concerts. The first was decades ago in Klagenfurt on Lake Wörth in Carinthia, and all I could think at the time was: "What beautiful music". I could never have imagined the personal development I have been able to experience since then. I bow to you and your artistic abilities and your divine mission, which you give to people in many different ways.


Thank you dear Lex for your beautiful music for your loving words for your courage to stand by the truth at this time, to be such a great example for us to get through this time of trial. God bless you for your work.


What a gift at this time. Thank you Lex, this is our path! Light, love, truth, trust, being what I am! All enveloped and carried by your sounds. Your wonderful, healing and powerful work is a blessing for people. Thank you for that!


Lex, your beautiful rendition of these sacred mantras puts me in a deeply peaceful state. Exactly what I needed to counteract the pain of our world. Many blessings.


Dear Lex, thank you for continuing to give us your beautiful music and time. For me it is really building up my daily life energy to get through this difficult time of isolation and loneliness. I feel much better since our last seminar. Thank you, hope to see you again. I see the world in peace I am peace.


Dear Lex, your songs, your mantras and your wonderful music are so fantastically beautiful. But your concert is carried by your love, your lightness, your cheerfulness and your refreshing nature. You allow my whole being to experience the state of bliss in higher levels of consciousness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Dear Lex, I would also like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love, your support, your being. As an energetic healer, I only use your music in my sessions and when I am not in divine consciousness, your music brings me back there quickly! I think you only begin to realise what you are doing! Give yourself a big hug!


Greetings Lex van Someren: You are a bringer of light on earth. This, your contribution serves inner peace and is so enriching and beneficial that it could not be better, more beautiful. I am happy to have come across it. Let light stream down into human thinking and let that plan of love unfold. Very grateful: Your Vera from Austria.


I was there live for the first time: listening to your mantras on YT and singing along is so healing in itself and helps us to come back into love. And singing them live this time was so incredibly powerful: with my whole being I was part of this strong, loving, all-embracing and healing force field that flows through the world. It is always there - only I am not always able to recognise it. But the ability to perceive this more and more consistently increases "exponentially" with mantra chanting. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your being and work!


Through these, your heart sounds, there is only pure, peaceful BEING - oh, how good it feels!!! Thank you so much, you great soul. My mum and I finally wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your work. Your mantra concerts have accompanied our everyday life several times a day for 1 1/2 years now! We look forward to every one of your mantra concerts and are always there!

Your music has created so much. It is impossible to describe in earthly words what you have achieved in us with your mantras and songs. You accompany us on our soul journey, give us support, energy and protection. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

What was simply incredible, however, were your two OM and AUM mantras.

My mum and I have been light workers for more than 10 years now, but that was ... indescribable ... so deep and high vibrating - as I said, it can't be put into earthly words. But I think you understand us. Your OM meditations have sent us both on a true journey of the soul. We have always received images, our connection upwards is strong, but this was even more intense. I was simply gone for 2 hours after the meditation - I neither slept nor was I awake. During the meditation, I (and my mum) learned so much about our soul and our soul plan. I was touched deep inside. I now have an upward connection like never before - and you opened the doors for me with your music.


Lex, I am so grateful for your beautiful music and encouraging message. You are one of the few people on earth raising the vibration for healing and freedom. You give me hope.


Thank you, you divine, wonderful soul for your being and work. Your works, music, seminars ..... are such a valuable gift to the world for this wonderful time. My soul, heart, mind, every cell is filled with this unique music and energy. Be blessed with so much light and love.


For me, you embody the truth, but it's an eternal dream. I will never give it up, never! Thank you for your work, dear Lex


Lex, You are one of the few souls who can help me forget the pain in the world. You emanate such peace and bliss; it’s contagious! Thank you for sharing your joy with the suffering world.


When I read the many heartfelt comments, I can't find the words to write so beautifully. I can only say that depending on how deep we allow the Lex to go, its song can lead us into our primal ground, our deepest self. Immeasurable thanks and blessings to all soul friends.


Dear Lex, we just want to say THANK YOU for the wonderfully valuable work you do. We've been following your YouTube channel for a very long time now and are very happy about it. We are full of admiration for your videos, which are always positive and motivating, even when dealing with difficult topics, and which sometimes move us to tears when you come into your power, talk about spiritual things and encourage people. The great visible transformation of increasingly turning away from daily life and working on a different "spiritual" level is reflected in every single video. Your music enchants us anew every day!


Every time after the mantra singing sessions, my pain has disappeared and also when I listen to your music, especially the mantras. And I can also cry now, cry a lot and let go of all the pain inside me.


Your music goes so deep into my heart as soon as I hear your voice. I feel deep gratitude and peace. I thank you so much. I often meditate to your music. It gives me strength in these difficult times. You are the divine embodiment of purest Christ consciousness for me. May all hearts heal. May all beings of light find each other and may people feel deep peace, harmony and friends. Thank you for your wondrous being! From heart to heart, Verena


Thank you dear Lex, with your wonderful music you are able to draw highly vibrating energies of light and love, of bliss and healing from the cosmos to us here on earth. Because you have been doing this for so long, these energies flow ever more strongly and support the healing of hearts and peace among us humans. Thank you, thank you, thank you. When we shake hands in a big circle at the end, I can see how it goes around the earth. These energies flow through all my cells and everything heals.


Thank you so much for sharing your creative power with us, which works through you! I listen to your music and I feel much better. Thank you for your company. With the greatest respect for your work.


When I practise yoga with your soul music, every posture is a prayer for me.


Dear Lex, I have had a yoga group every Tuesday since you started doing your wonderful mantra concerts on YouTube. We listen to you while we do yoga, sing along or dance and move in BEING to your music. It is always sooo touching, full of light and power and we are always totally at peace and relaxed afterwards. These hours carry us through this "special" time and are absolutely precious. Many, many thanks from the bottom of our hearts for this and for your wonderful impulses.


Wonderful Lex, your great human love has led many, many people onto the new path of peace and fair, loving coexistence. Through your devotion, my heart is full of joy and hope for the future and full of wonder and THANK YOU!!!!


Dear Lex, with every sound of your new songs, through the soothing (calming) melodies and your divine voice, I feel within me how the wonderful qualities with the new earth: love, deep trust, harmony, simple clear being and also the corresponding light codes are given to us - like rain falling to the earth and into our souls. We are being attuned to the original cosmic rhythm - it is almost unbelievable. Thank you for what you are and what you have realized on your life path!


I never thought that one day I would find music that I could listen to every day without feeling like I was enough.... I call this healing music, a gift from God for all of us who are on the path of our heart... The path to self-love.


Dear Lex, I was there on Sunday in Nettetal and as soon as I think of those wonderful hours together, my heart overflows with gratitude, love and joy and every time I get goose bumps (or rather angelic shivers). Because it was so magical and deeply touching. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this possible for all of us, for your deep devotion in singing and for your so tangible love for all of us, for the great field of unconditional love.

We all became one great WE during the concert and I felt:


With deep love and gratitude - from heart to heart


YES, your heart, Lex, is filled with divine love, divine light, divine truth and freedom. Of divine essence. You can feel it through and through. Your work, dear Lex, is a call to love, to awareness, to healing. Your music gives me a new understanding of what wise people mean by enlightenment. For years I meditated in silence. Yes, also in connection with deep moments. In meditation with your music, which is a teacher, it happened. Like a volcano, it blew everything obstructive out of my inner self and true silence in the highest connectedness set in.


Dear Lex, it is so incredible and beneficial at the same time how touching, profound and healing the high vibrations of your music & voice are. Connecting on the inside as well as on the outside via the great field of unconditional love. The higher vibrations flowing through you are clearly perceptible through your complete devotion to the divine working through you.

You are the first person with whom I feel that you are divine essence. Your SELF-experience is clearly palpable. (That's why I never came home in other projects. There, words are empty shells). With your music I experience miracles of divine essence! The only thing I need is willingness, unconditional devotion, without expectation!


After listening to this livestream, all my pain is gone. It's amazing and it really makes me cry. Your music has a healing effect, I realize that again and again.

Full of gratitude and great joy, I listened to your livestream concert three times yesterday night and again this morning. It is incredible. Especially your soul song touched me sooo deeply and also the song Ma Ya Hai. Even when you sang it for the very first time, it brought tears to my eyes...


I'm looking forward to receiving your new CD in our mailbox these days. Our 4-year-old granddaughter is also growing up with your soul music and loves all your CDs. I have promised Ida that I will take her to one of your concerts soon. Feel deeply embraced from the bottom of my heart for all your love, your words, your singing and your music that connects the world with all peoples of this earth. What an unspeakably precious gift you give us all. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And thank you also to your entire team...


Dear Lex, from you, every sound, every gesture, every song is an intimate, loving prayer from the heart, deep devotion and praise to the divine. And is given to us as a healing gift from the divine world. This is a deep reciprocity that is inimitable. It is there, in the pure being of the loving devotion of the divine to humanity.

Your music is given to us for the new dawn of all times, which is born out of the twists and turns of darkness. For us a call, an invitation to entrust ourselves to the new time, to meet this new beginning with courage and to live it. With a courage that carries no fear, a pride - the highest courage - that harbors the purest trust, pure courage, full enthusiasm.


Every nuance of the music from the musicians, singers, your voice is filled with a divine sense of home, truth and light. I could no longer say no or keep the door to my heart closed.


Thank you Lex, I am full of light and love. Never before have I felt such a great, such a strong flow of energy as today! All my cells vibrate with sound, a healing for body, soul and spirit. During the AKAAL I floated lightly in space and felt infinitely wide and free. Peace, everything is good.


My heart is so grateful for this music... Just by listening to it, I get in touch with issues hidden deep inside me... they just emerge, allowing and immersing myself in them happens with ease. Then they simply dissolve... say "hello", so to speak, and then leave... a divine grace.


Dear Lex, soooo nice to see how you set a good example and don't exclude people who don't have enough money, but explicitly invite them! That is the quality of heart that we urgently need in this world! THANK YOU Lex from the bottom of my heart for this pioneering service to us humans!


Your dreamlike voice and your very loving nature envelop me with love. It's wonderful and so authentic. It's great that you exist.


I would like to write to you about the power of your music. It awakens potential. It transforms low vibrations so quickly. It goes so deep into the subconscious and opens all the doors of the heart. It is primal consciousness. For me, your music is an expression of the source itself. You give Mother Earth and her people so much love and peace. I would like to thank you for your being and your work.


Dear Lex, after the wonderful, profound mantra evening last night (14.1.2023), I feel the need today to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the many mantra evenings over the last few years. These evenings always give me energy to live through these chaotic times with confidence and love. It is wonderful that you are there and that you organize these wonderful evenings. Many souls full of light are brought together and love is spread throughout the world again and again. Thank you, I would also like to thank you for the many interesting seminars. With your help, I have developed into the person I am today. It was not easy and full of tears and pain. But it was worth it and I am proud of that. But I know that this is only the way to a peaceful and loving world. My environment is confronted with this (lovingly) time and again.


I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your great live evenings on YouTube and your music and personality in general. Many years ago I was at an absolute low point in my life, I heard your music for the first time at a friend's house and I just cried because I felt safe with you.

Your music supported and comforted me through this terrible time. And even later, when I thought I was out of the worst now, I was fine again, one day I heard your "Mama" CD and everything burst out of me, I can't even describe it, pure healing.

Your music heals my soul again and again and as you can see, it heals everywhere. There is something so wonderful about your music, it touches, and you bring it across with so much heart, THAT is EXACTLY what people need right now. Thank you for your courage, your music and above all YOU as a personality. My heart opens every time you start talking and beaming into the camera.


In your music within you, each of your cells is prayer, the intention of God, the pure divine essence, freedom, love and truth. All the ancient deep wisdom of all musical cultures accumulates in you and your music. This is only possible in connection with the one, single divine source that we are, because that is where all information converges and comes to you. Like in the movies "Like in heaven" and "Sound of the heart".

Your voice has another new mystical sound. Very fine to hear and deep to feel. It is a very great, almost indescribable vibration that works in the space of love and is amplified so inexpressibly by your music. With your music, all the incarnations we have ever had, or in which we are currently in parallel, are simultaneously illuminated.

After decades of growing and developing through pain, the turning point has now come. I am maturing in the fullness of the stunning beauty of your sacred music, the sacredness of your art. It often makes me silent, makes tears flow because of the beauty and amazement, because your music is the sacred icon of the divine, of love and light. If I had not grown in pain, my present experience would not be possible.

Lex, I am full of amazed, reverent, humble, blissful gratitude to experience myself like this in your music.


Dear Lex, your music touches, calms and strengthens my soul. Your voice and your expression of love are wonderful. Thank you also for showing yourself and expressing your thoughts, especially in these times. You strengthen peace in the world. You are a perfect expression of peace ... Thank God. I would never have thought that you could sing mantras in this way and present them so beautifully.


I would like to say THANK YOU ..... again and again.....What YOU bring across there with your music is not sufficiently valued with any thank you. NOTHING can describe what your music triggers in me. It sends me to a place where WORDS no longer have any power. You were, are and will always be there at my seminars and workshops.


Dear Lex, you and your singing are the light in my everyday life. I am very grateful to have found you on YouTube. Again and again this dreamlike, so heartfelt, precious mantra singing takes hold of me, dear Lex, and tears come to my eyes; everything will be fine, is already there - it sounds... an everlasting blessing flows from your pure love... THANK YOU, you wonderful philanthropist. The highest truth is transmitted in silence. Your music vibrates the way there and touches on all levels of being. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


An'Anasha from the bottom of my heart for your BEING and your WONDERFUL work, your boundless love, your WONDERFUL healing energies. We are now infinitely many, and I am anchored in the deepest gratitude and joy, in the deepest trust and in the greatest positivity. Together we are now bringing heaven to earth and creating the NEW, so beautiful.


Dear Lex, SOOOO many thanks for your tireless efforts and your wonderful livestream. The last one still gives me goosebumps. Today's follows on seamlessly. Wow, such a wonderful community has been created here during your 200 livestreams, which I can feel even when the music is silent. The way the energy of the livestreams has increased is indescribably healing and powerful. Even though the LS were born out of necessity, the best has come out of it.

I'm touched, Lex, that you've persevered sooo much over all these decades. Always living your vision from the heart, you have never betrayed it and have realised it despite the zeitgeist, especially in difficult times, even for you. You are completely loyal to humanity, especially to your divine mission!!!

I am touched, Lex, that you have endured sooo much over all these decades. You have always lived your vision from the heart, never betrayed it and realised it against the spirit of the times, especially in difficult times, even for you. You are absolutely loyal to humanity, especially to your divine mission!!!

A marvel that touches me deeply in my inner confidence to always be in the right place, whatever events you offer. I have never experienced this in this pure form with anyone before! And in no other institute. I am 100% in agreement with your "programme". I am happy to share my heart.

Your inner truth, purity and clarity bear witness to your innermost work and your deep transformation. I know the significance of such an inner path! I bow to it.


I'm really looking forward to having another of your CDs playing in our home...Although I haven't heard a song from it yet, I can already feel its strong energetic vibration, as with every one of your CDs. And I can't say it often enough, all of us, including our granddaughter of 5 1/2 years, are growing up with your music...Lex's music is on all day long. Ida also has her favourite songs from you... Early in the morning during my meditations, yoga, dancing and in the morning when Ida gets up, the first thing that surrounds her in our room is your energy and its vibration...

So I consider it a great blessing and it fills me deeply with love and gratitude that you allow us to participate in everything you do. And for that I have the greatest respect and love. Blessings and hugs from the bottom of my heart.


What a tremendous experience for everyone. Beyond words. And personally, it felt like the experience of the completion of my journey here, going home and being met. You’d deepened that bridge. A very profound experience that took me by surprise. Thank you so much for that. What a blessing. I feel the activation of various frequencies which we can carry through the work. Much love and well wishes for all that you do.


And suddenly I realised: your music, your singing connects with sacred geometry in the same way! (I have always felt this, but never formulated it properly). It opens the perception for the sacred spaces and cathedrals for the colours and shapes in the cosmos.


Dear Lex, thank you! You help me so much! You know, I have done so much talk therapy and these feelings never came...! And now with your voice and your music they come! It helps me to understand that the music, the sounds and the art touch my soul, connect me to it more than anything else!!!! So much light, love and healing flows through you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Wow! Divine light made tangible, perceptible, audible. Goosebumps! What a gift, your live stream from Monday (25.09.23, I joined by chance.) And what a beautiful reminder of our soul, our soul light, our soul sound and our self-responsibility in the creative power. Thank you. Thank you, dear Lex.


Thank you so much for your wonderful, divine music that touches the deepest levels! I could not imagine life without it, I would be lost! Because I draw my strength, my stamina and my upliftment from it! Without your music, my energy transmissions for my protégés would certainly not be as intense, I feel them so strongly and pass on the divinity encoded by you to the people! I love your big, wide heart, I understand you.......


Your music is sound and heals down to the deepest levels, possibly without the mind realising much! Or only in retrospect... I have done so much therapy and talked so much "about it". That certainly helped. But the music, the sound goes much deeper and above all touches the feelings and opens the heart. Thank you for your sounds! They help people who are open to transformation and healing.


BrillianT! Keep shining your light brighter and brighter, You are the true Super STAR =) Star, that sings from the heart, emenates solitude, love, peace, grace and devotion.  Vivat Cresceat Floreat Lex! Great example for all! All the contributions, all the heart-tuned songs are echoing in the infinity forever. And you have done a great job, that todays insane humanity is not recognizing as much as the futures will.


This music is a gift from God and it reminds me of what is essential in me, of being, of originality, vitality, love and peace. The power and holiness in this music confirms and encourages me to give up fighting and to consciously decide in favour of peace, peace and healing. Amen.


Dear Lex, I just heard your music again from the livestream.... My tears are drying right now. YOU are a gaaaanz GROSSER and your music is sooooo BIG that EVERYTHING disappears in it. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!


In your music I know that life is a declaration of love from the divine to us. Your music is the divine law of love that nourishes the souls of all people and blessingly transforms the world every day.

Those who go to the "singing school" of your music do not need a translation of the mantras. The heart understands the love of God without translation. And, I am quoting you now Lex: "If we serve our soul, then there is no other way than to be in bliss." We observe the distressed world, within the framework of the established mainstream, without being in resonance. Your music breathes divine life and divine love. It shows us that God lives in this world and creates life. God has long since inscribed himself in the world, or rather sung himself into it through your music. God sings himself into human hearts through this music. So God is one of us, gets heart, hand and foot in us and we are divine. The absolute cannot come any closer. And if your music is the nourishment of love, then let us keep on singing it.


I'm currently listening to the livestream again before my yoga class. The energy is so full of love and so gentle, soft, powerful and so unspeakably carried by God. The loving level of God that creates your music... has no more words, but deepest touch, clarity, deepest 1000% knowing in pure being. And that is all your music!


Dear Lex, I have the feeling that you have always made Transmissions. I don't think there's ever been a concert where I didn't feel like I was in heaven while listening. I just realise when listening, even to the silence between the songs, that the energy is much stronger right now. Thank you so much for the many gifts you have given us, and also for letting people in for free who don't have any money.


I now have so many of your CDs and each one has its own vibration and energy that always fills the room in which it is listened to and beyond... Above all, you can feel the energy, but also the love on every CD when you hold it in your hands...I have already written that our now 6-year-old Ida is growing up with your music and really demands it and we would like to go to one of your concerts together...

The new CD has such a high vibrational energy that this time I can even visibly feel and see it in the room... A deep thank you full of love and gratitude. Your CDs have been playing all day and I have been listening to your music full of gratitude, fulfilment and joy for so many years.


Dear Lex, I'm watching live right now and am deeply touched by your devotion. There is so much divine presence to be felt.


Dear Lex, your music accompanies me through this time. Only your music gives me the peace that I love so much, to be with myself in my centre. It gives me peace, joy, the inner sun shines and it frees me from everyday worries. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Dear Lex! You are such a wonderful gift on this earth!!! Thank you for being there, so much love, so much empathy, so much honesty in you!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, you inspire me soooo much!!!


Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are a gift to this world. Your music helps me to heal. Please keep going and help us all to create a new world with love and gratitude.

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