Music for a New Era
and for the union with the divine source within

concerts with Lex van Someren
Livestream-Concerts | Soul-Time-Events
Tour Soul-Time

"The highest goal of music is to reveal the essence of the universe." - Ravi Shankar -
"Even though our music can be heard and seen on numerous CDs and DVDs, they still cannot replace a live experience. Therefore, I take the opportunity to present regular solo concerts via Livestream on Youtube.
It comes from my heart to invite you to my Livestream- and Live concerts!" - Lex -

An unforgettable musical experience! - Pure nourishment for the soul !
A heartfelt invitation!
Under the motto "Soul Time", the Dutch singer and performance artist, who lives in Baden-Baden, Germany, takes his guests on a musical journey for heart and soul into extraordinary worlds of sound.
Anyone who has experienced a concert with Lex van Someren knows that this visionary artist knows how to embody the dimension of the soul in his music and performance art. His singing is like a poetic language of the heart, which touches the deeper sides of people.
His singing is at the same time more than a poetic language of the heart. His way of singing, the chants, the music and especially the mantras bring you into union with your soul and convey that we are all deeply connected with the divine source of all being. An indescribable space of the eternal is created, in which the spiritual world brings its healing vibrations to people through Lex van Someren's singing and music. This needs your willingness to go into a respectful resonance and open yourself to the soul dimensions within you.
Lex' singing is an expression of his spirituality lived in the here-and-now. Through his authentic power and the grace and devotion in his singing, a deeper connection with the audience arises naturally. Lex touches you from heart to heart and at the same time he is completely focussed within himself, creating a sacred space in every concert hall!
Magical music and performance art, not of this world, but for this world: elixir of life, to connect with one's own soul.
With the sensitive and touching singing of his fascinating four-octave voice, the sound Lex van Someren celebrates many songs in his soul language - sounds without rational meaning, which have as healing an effect as the mantras. It sounds like the language of the spiritual world - light-language. Lex lets sounds have a sacred meaning and makes sacred words resound. The chants and the magically arranged songs an pieces of music transform the concert hall into a lively and devotional space of silence, a temple of the sacred, where the sound of the divine creates a resonating space within yourself.
As if by itself, the information and tensions of everyday life flow away. But the primary goal is that you connect with the source of all being within you. That you feel yourself becoming one with what you sing or what you listen to, to worship creation and the divine, together with Lex.
Petra Gehlen writes:
"His music is an "Icon" of the Absolute, expressed in sound space and wonderful sacred arrangements. Thus the concert hall becomes a sacred space and your innermost being a temple. The power emanating through Lex is able to fill the whole concert space and you as a human being with healing energy. This music is prayer in its purest form, which requires an inner attitude to receive this music in a heart-open willingness.
The music is a call to you to reshape your being and your everyday life after a concert, so that the New Earth can become reality. Only together with you can this succeed. You can be the change you desire on the outside (Gandhi)."
In Lex van Someren's music, sonic and rhythmic elements from many eras and cultures flow together and combine to create powerful, healing music for the soul. Lex's more than 45 CDs are popular worldwide because they move listeners' hearts across all borders.
The audience is invited to experience and enjoy the concert without applause. "It is an important concern for me to lead my guests - if they wish to do so - into a deep, inner silence with my music and singing, to enable a union with oneself, a silence full of vitality, strength and healing energy," explains Lex van Someren. "Those who enter into this quiet relaxation gain access to their inner self-healing powers for body, mind and soul."

Music of the soul - sounds of the heart
Musician, singer and stage artist Lex van Someren talks about the sources of his inspiration

Lex van Someren
An Artist who touches deeply
with his voice and his music

Lex van Someren is an internationally known visionary stage artist with a strong presence. He is one of the pioneers of modern spiritual music worldwide. His work is an expression of his vision and calling to open soul spaces with his unique stage art, music, concerts and seminars, inviting people of all ages and walks of life to a holistic inner experience. Born in the Netherlands, he has lived in Baden-Baden since 1997 and enchants audiences in many countries around the world. On about 45 CDs and several DVDs, which he has produced together with Frank Steiner and published in his own publishing house, he presents the enormous range of his artistic work.
Lex says of himself, "My entire life's work is dedicated to the creative power and artistic expressiveness of the human soul in each individual."